Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie
Laboratory for new economic ideas
We stand for a new economy. An economy by all and for all, ecologically sound and socially just.
The Konzeptwerk is an independent, charitable association, founded in 2011.
We are convinced that the economy’s purpose is to make a good life possible for everyone. Our current economy misses this goal by far: It is undemocratic and unstable. It creates riches for the few, but exclusion and poverty for many. Environmental destruction further deepens these injustices and threatens our livelihoods.
So far, economic policies are dominated by the belief in economic growth, in competition instead of cooperation. This is mainly due to the differences in power between people, which lead to unequal possibilities to influence society. This way those who profit from the economic system can push through their interests against the needs of the majority.
In order to counter these injustices, a social-ecological transformation of the economy is urgently needed. There is no master plan for this: We understand ourselves as part of a movement which searches for many ways and combines them. The necessary changes are manifold and they mean a far-reaching reorientation of our ways of living.
The Konzeptwerk is an example of a new economy: We organize using grassroots democracy, use few resources and share all our publications free of charge.

There are many interesting approaches and tested alternatives to capitalism. We want to…
- amplify the spaces in which such ideas are practiced and discussed – and show how different approaches can add to each other.
- encourage people to take part in the social-ecological transformation of the economy.
- change political conditions as well as ways of thinking and living. For this, in our work we combine education, social movements, alternative economic practices and science.
We concentrate on the following areas:
- We connect different stakeholders, create alliances and develop projects together. Because changing the economy requires the cooperation of people and organizations with diverse backgrounds.
- We want to strengthen change from below by collaborating with social movements, as we believe this to be the basis for a widespread change.
- With our educational work we aim to get youths and adults interested in economic matters. We analyze economic, ecological and social developments and show that alternative economic practices already exist, which can be starting points for a broader transformation.
- We are informed speakers on alternative economic concepts, especially for journalists and policy makers. We combine concepts from a wide range of debates from civil society and the scientific community.
Our publications available in english
Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Hrsg.), Kai Kuhnhenn, Anne Pinnow, Matthias Schmelzer and Nina Treu (Authors)
Future for All: A vision for 2048
Just. Ecological. Achievable.
In view of diverse crises – climate catastrophe, increasing inequality, economic crises – more and more people are embarking on the search for a completely different economic and social system. But what can this look like? Based on the results of twelve future workshops with almost 200 pioneering thinkers, Future for all presents a vision for the year 2048. The Vision 2048 creates images of a desirable future beyond capitalism that is viable and achievable, that stimulates critical debate, and that inspires courage and hope.
Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Hrsg.), Oumarou F. Mfochivé, Matthias Schmelzer (Authors)
Climate Debt and Reparations
Building Blocks for Climate Justice
Debt relief for countries of the Global South and reparations for the climate catastrophe caused by the Global North – Now!
“Developing countries” suffer a double blow: They are affected by climate change, which they have contributed very little to, and they are struggling to settle a high, unjustified debt burden. We must move one step closer to climate justice through debt cancellation and reparation payments.
Jankowski, P., Höfner, A., Hoffmann, M. L., Rohde, F., Rehak, R. & Graf, J. (Eds.)
Shaping Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society
Contributions from Bits & Bäume
The second ‹Bits & Bäume› conference took place in Berlin in 2022. Once again, it provided a space for critical tech and sustainability communities to share ideas and collaborate towards the common goal of shaping digitalisation to foster sustainability. This companion book compiles the insights, work, research and opinions of more than 65 authors with a ‹Bits & Bäume› background, including practitioners, researchers and activists.
Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Hrsg.)
Words of global learning
People from different backgrounds do not meet enough to discuss socio-ecological crises. Debates about possible solutions tend to take place in privileged and/or rather closed groups. There is a lack of connection between diverse experiences and perspectives in order to develop solutions that suit everyone. This is unfair and makes sustainability unattractive for many people.
Our glossary is intended to help change this. The glossary covers many terms that describe discrimination against groups of people. The reason for this is that the climate crisis and many social problems around the world are closely linked to discrimination.
Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Hrsg.), Lasse Thiele (Autor)
Hydrogen and climate justice
Hydrogen is not a miracle weapon against the climate crisis. There are indeed sensible uses for “green” hydrogen. But the European industry’s plans to obtain its supplies via massive imports from the global South threaten to perpetuate centuries-old patterns of global injustice.
Until these imports become a reality, a lot of climate-damaging fossil hydrogen will be burned.
Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer, Nina Treu
Degrowth in movement(s): Exploring Pathways for Transformation
Degrowth is an emerging social movement that overlaps with proposals for systemic change such as anti-globalization and climate justice, commons and transition towns, basic income and Buen Vivir. Degrowth in Movement(s) reflects on the current situation of social movements aiming at overcoming capitalism, industrialism and domination. The essays ask: What is the key idea of the respective movement? Who is active? What is the relation with the degrowth movement? What can the degrowth movement learn from these other movements and the other way around? Which common proposals, but also which contradictions, oppositions and tensions exist? And what alliances could be possible for broader systemic transformations?
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Hrsg.)
A Societal Transformation Scenario for Staying Below 1.5°C
Gemeinsam mit Forscher*innen aus den Ingenieur-, Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften halten wir es für immer dringlicher, globale Emissionsminderungsszenarien zu entwickeln, in denen einer umfassendere gesellschaftliche Transformation untersucht wird – inklusive der Begrenzung von Produktion und den Konsum in zentralen Sektoren mit hohen Emissionen im Globalen Norden.
Das „Societal Transfomation Scenario“ ist ein globales 1,5°C-Minderungsszenario, das die Vorstellung eines fortwährenden globalen Wirtschaftswachstums und seine Vereinbarkeit mit ehrgeizigen Klimazielen wie der 1,5°C-Grenze in Frage stellt. Es zeigt, wie wir durch eine Verringerung der Produktion und des Verbrauchs im globalen Norden unter 1,5°C bleiben können, ohne auf risikoreiche Technologien wie CCS, Geo-Engineering und Nukleartechnik zurückzugreifen.
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