Der Film wird auf Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln gezeigt. Hier die Beschreibung zum Film auf Englisch:
A New Economy, Canada 2016, 85 minutes, director: Trevor Meier
This feature documentary is about people making a fresh start as they work to build a new economy. Watch as several organizations move towards a more cooperative future by experimenting with open and nontraditional business models. By rewarding human effort fairly and proportionately instead of obsessing about the bottom line, these revolutionary businesses are creating a more people-friendly future, creating new ways to make money, and to make it sustainably.
Ort: Rio Filmpalast, Kino 2, Rosenheimer Str. 46, 81669 München
Der Eintritt ist frei. Reservierungen sind unter der 089 / 48 00 66-239 möglich.
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