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Online Conference | November 26-28, 2021
Care for Global Justice.
In times of covid-19 crisis.
With live cultural program in Leipzig
„Care“, (ge. Sorge, arab. رعاية / عناية , span. Cuidado) means to take care of the necessities of life. Care includes unpaid and paid care work such as cooking, cleaning, washing, caring for elderly and sick people, looking after children and supporting each other. These activities are central to our social life and to a respectful living among humans and nature.
Care work is structurally exploited because economy is geared towards profit maximization benefiting only few people. Especially people performing care work are disadvantaged: mostly women*, in Germany often women* with uncertain residence titles and/or lower incomes.
The Covid-19 pandemic has intensified the care crisis.
Our conference program is committed to global justice. International speakers will provide insights into care work around the world, into feminist approaches for a new economy, and anti-racist struggles in the globalized labour market of care work. In times of Covid-19 crisis, what paths can we take to fight as a global movement for social and environmental justice? Which utopias of a different economy can we develop and are already being lived? What does global learning look like for a society that cares for itself and its environment?
Register now until 17.11. for the conference!
On the following pages you will find the → conference programme, all other → information and an overview of → the speakers (only in German). The homepage will soon be available in Spanish and Arabic, too.
Would you like to get involved yourself? Then write us an → e-mail.
Due to the stricter Corona regulation since 22 November, the cultural events will unfortunately no longer take place in analogue form, but only online. Further information on streams and access can be found in the programme.
The offers of our online conference deal with the following topics.

Which are the paths towards a care-centred economy? What does a society look like in which we care for each other and for the environment?





The conference will take place from Friday evening to Sunday noon. You can find the rough schedule below and also download it here as → PDF file. For the detailed programme with all the workshops offered for the individual days, click → here.
The opening panel on Friday at 6 pm is also available → here in the Youtube stream.
The keynote speech on Saturday at 5 pm is also available → here in the Youtube stream.
Within the framework of the cooperation project
» Togehter.Just.Global.
Caring, learning and acting in post-migrant alliances. «
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