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Online Conference | November 26-28, 2021
Care for Global Justice.
In times of Covid-19 crisis.
With live cultural program in Leipzig
The conference will take place from Friday evening to Sunday noon. You will find the rough schedule below and can also → download it as PDF document.
All workshops will take place online, as will the panel and keynote speech, which will also be available via Youtube stream. All cultural events will take place analogue in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.
Click on the days below to see the detailed programme with all the workshops and cultural activities on offer for each day.
Workshops, Panel, Cultural Programme
Programme for Friday 26 November 2021
Friday | online
18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr
DE | EN | ES | عربي
Manuela Zechner
Silvia Habekost
Gülcan Nitsch
Anne-Christin Tannhäuser
Care for Global Justice – In times Covid-19 Crisis
The outbreak of the corona pandemic has highlighted the care crisis in many places. Much has been said about a lack of staff and the double burden of home office and child care. But paid and unpaid care work has not just been in crisis for 1.5 years. The exploitation of people and nature for a profit-oriented economy has long been a tradition. It leads to intensifying social and ecological crises, to growing global poverty of the many and wealth of the few.
On this panel we want to discuss what constitutes caring for people and nature and why care work is still mainly done by people socialized as females and under the most precarious conditions.
We also look at colonial continuities in the global market of care work. Migrant workers are supposed to fill the holes in the German care system. What needs to be changed? How can a care economy of the future look like that is globally just, social and ecological?
Global Learning
Friday afternoon, Nov. 26, to Saturday noon, Nov. 28
Gästezentrum Ernst Jäschke
Paul-List-Straße 19
04103 Leipzig
Carina Flores
Timo Holthoff
Radical tenderness – critical, caring and resilient for global justice
Unfortunately, the workshop has to be postponed until 2022 due to personal reasons on the part of the speakers. We will inform you in due time on the page of the project „Gemeinsam. Just. Global“ project about a new date.
Climate crisis, racism crisis, corona crisis…External societal crises are also reflected in our own lives, in our emotional worlds and bodies. They affect us all together and yet differently.
People working for radical change, for social and environmental global justice, face multiple political and personal challenges. It is not uncommon for them to despair in the light of challenges, power structures, complex contradictions and the pain they experience in their social engagement.
We invite you to create a shared courageous space for people with different social positionings and experiences, in which we connect different perspectives with openness, mindfulness and „Radical Tenderness“ to also endure unpleasantness.
„Radical tenderness means collectivizing our hearts so that they break open and not apart“ (Dani d‘ Emilia).
Radical tenderness is an invitation to connect critically and lovingly with the contradictory, beautiful and painful things within us, between us and around us, and to break with the culture of separation.
In this seminar we strengthen our critical consciousness, our individual and collective capacities. We focus on activism, social power structures and personal entanglements.
We work with participatory, biographical, nature-, relationship- and body-oriented methods to strengthen different approaches and forces for a resilient social activism.
Notes on the venue: the workshop will take place at the „Gästezentrum Ernst Jäschke“ in Leipzig. Accommodation will be in single and double rooms. From Friday afternoon to Sunday noon, there is a vegetarian/vegan full board.
Friday | 20:30 Uhr
65 Min Performance
and in public streaming
at Galerie KUB
Kantstraße 18
04275 Leipzig
Due to the new Corona regulations, the live screening at Galerie KUB has unfortunately to be cancelled. The event will take place online only.
Women and Fiction invite you to a glamorous evening of caregivers, a celebration of caring figures beyond clear gender roles. From conversations with people who do care work professionally and/or privately, Women and Fiction, together with their accomplices, create sensual images of caring activities such as physical care, saying „no“, listening, being patient, nurturing, in short: caring. They pose the attributes of safety, connection and security in a glamorous costume show so sexily that we realize again how fundamentally important they are.
In their performance, Women and Fiction question why caring is traditionally tied to the biological, childbearing body. They imagine caring communities beyond a capitalist logic of exploitation and present real stories of success.
We show their performance in a screening online and publicly in the KUB gallery.
All cultural events will take place analogue in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.
→ Password: caretoshine
Interview partners:
Lena Biermann (midwife), Benjamin Czarniak (employee), S. Frazer (personal assistant), Teresa Hoffmann (student), Benedikt Hülsbusch (nurse), Christiane Meier (, Barbara Metelska (diplom. Teacher and Psychologist, at the moment employee in the care sector), Ruth Pala (dipl. nurse FH), Liz Rech (Director), Mia Smettan (Konzeptwerk neue Ökonomie), Ariclenes Garcia Aka Arigato St.Laurent (Vouging Dancer & former Mother of a Vouging House), Maike Toedter (Cultural Manager)
Theoretical texts inspired by:
Frigga Haug (sociologist and philosopher), Caleb Luna (theorist, performer, poet, essayist, cultural critic and Ph.D Performance Studies), Mascha Mädorin (economist), Joan Tronto (professor emeritus of political science), Barbara Vorsamer (journalist and editor)
Anytime free listening
Corona is here. Corona is here to stay.
Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2.
We are here. Are we there for each other?
Who’s staying?
Who’s there?
Are we all staying together?
Existential care. Provision. Welfare.
How are we going to manage this now, with us, and Corona?
Come along, listen along.
Maybe it’s all less bad if we’re there for each other.
Go → here to listen to the audio walk.
Idea: Ulla Unlust, Annegret Altersarmut
Speakers: Alina Bach, Paulina Turnip Steel, Hannah, Daniel Moreno, Linda Keck, Paula Gürtler, Sandra, Moritz German, Yolanda Ruechel, Isabel Bulter,
Dean Ruddock, Johnny Reiser, Ines Wassermann, Anna Petersen, Alina Metz,
Marko Hörschelmann, Yes Ne, Doreen Smolensky, Andreas Stosch, Henriette Friday
Music in the drugstore with friendly permission: Bogislaw (Heretic Pop, Leipzig)
credits released July 20, 2020
Programme for Saturday 27 November 2021
Slot 1
Saturday| online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Joachim Winters
Care and Basic Income
The Universal Basic Income (UBI) does not solve all problems, but it would enable solutions in many areas, for instance in care work. Optimally internationally but also initially in the EU or only in Germany, an UBI would contribute to global justice, greater solidarity and an overall better life for many people. The workshop is adressing interested people with little to much prior knowledge who would like to engage in a lively exchange with goodwill but also skepticism towards basic income..
Slot 1
Saturday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
DE | عربي
Sulca Ariza
Language course – cleaning, cooking, caring and empowering. Language learning for the emancipation of refugee Women
This is an empowerment workshop to improve migration perspectives.
Slot 1
Saturday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Lourdes Estigarribia
Karen Saavedra
Alternatives for care work. Developing creative ideas through Paulo Freire’s method
Slot 1
Saturday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
DE | EN | ES | عربي
Ursula Dullnig
Milena Müller-Schöffmann
Workshop 5
Slot 1
Saturday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Tetiana Goncharuk
Frauke Linne
Slot 2
Saturday | online
14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Carlos Andrés Duque Acosta
Universidad pal‘ barrio: Practices of Popular Resistance in Cali-Colombia
Slot 2
Saturday | online
14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
DE | ES | PO
Vivian Tofanelli
Initiative „Solidarisch geht anders“ (angefragt)
Silvia Habekost
Cristiana Parisi
Christoph Sanders
Slot 2
Saturday| online
14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
DE | ES | PO
Laura Huitaca
Carmenza Za
Initiative „Arquitetura na Periferia“ (invited)
Women, struggles and resistances in Covid-19 crisis
Sharing experiences of struggles in the global South and North in the situation of the Corona pandemic allows us to locate the absences and phenomena in each community and create alliances and affirmative actions at different levels.
Slot 2
Saturday | online
14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Hanna Pohlmann
Charlotte Hitzfelder
Slot 2
Saturday | online
14:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
DE | ES | عربي
Mats Schuchhardt, Poliklinik Leipzig
Solidarity-based Health Center: The Polyclinic Leipzig as an Example of Lived Alternatives
The Poliklinik Leipzig stands for an approach of solidarity-based community health care. Social conditions of illness and living conditions of people are considered. Prevention, access for all people and psychosocial support are further aspects that characterize the vision of the Polyclinic. Currently, the solidarity-based health center in Leipzig-Schönefeld is already offering its first services. The Poliklinik Leipzig is part of the Poliklinik Syndicate with locations in Berlin, Dresden and Hamburg.
Saturday | online
17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
DE | EN | ES | عربي
Kirsten Schubert
The Corona pandemic has shown worldwide that health systems should not be profit-oriented. Stable and humane care for people and good working conditions sensitive to discrimination should not be a utopia, and yet they are far too rare. What are aspects of a solidarity-based health care system of the future? How are health systems related to other aspects of a good life? Where in the world are there already inspiring projects?
Following the keynote, the artists of RRRlampage (relámpaga: lightning) will present their exhibition on the topic of „Everyday life of FLINTA persons with migration and refugee biographies“ online.
15:00 – 18:00
Galerie KUB
Kantstraße 18
04275 Leipzig
DE | EN | ES | عربي
Unfortunately, the FLINTA Café has to be cancelled due to the tightened Corona ordinance of 22 November. The artists of RRRlampaga will present their exhibition online after the keynote.
Do we want to have a coffee together and get into conversation? We want to create a safe space where forms of discrimination, such as sexism and racism are not invited ….
for FLINTA*: Women / Lesbians / Intersex / Non-Binary / Transgender / Agender*.
Rrrelampaga Fanzine (Exhibition):
„I am a FLINTA* latina person and…. I will not clean your house!“
With the fanzine, the artists of RRRlampaga (relámpaga: lightning) want to point out problems that characterize the everyday life of FLINTA* with migration and flight biographies. In doing so, they take up topics such as discrimination, structural racism, sexism and hetero-patriarchal stereotypes.
Coffee and cake are provided by cis men!
All cultural events will take place analogue in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.
Programme for Sunday 28 November 2021
Workshop 11
Slot 3
Sunday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
DE | EN | ES
Claudia Castañeda
Carolina Alvarado Solórzano
Nadia Galina
We are a collective of women* with migration history in Leipzig. We want to develop a campaign against violence against women* and queers for 2023, with music and different forms of art, with local but also international artists.
To get started, we want to make an open call to acquire more women* for the network, to make this campaign bigger, locally but also globally.
Slot 3
Sunday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
DE | EN | ES | عربي
Hannah Hettich
Actually, care is the core of any economy. But as obvious as this sounds, things are going differently at the moment: In order to keep the economy growing, especially women*, migrants and the ecological livelihood are exploited. The workshop addresses people who are confronted with the consequences of this care crisis in their daily lives and want change: an exploitative care system, collapsing ecosystems or the lack of space for (self-) regeneration. In this interactive workshop we explore the common roots of the experience of a care bottleneck as soon as the preservation of our livelihoods is at stake. Based on this, we open the space to vision a society that puts care at its center.
Slot 3
Sunday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Lina Hansen
Ecological Care – How can different kinds of care with nature/s look like from a feminist perspective?
We will work on different understandings in small groups and compare them with our everyday experiences.
Slot 3
Sunday | online
10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
DE | ES | عربي
Karen Saavedra
Ana Katherine Moreno
Sonia García Sánchez
Bodies and Territories: The contradictions of the global economic system
This workshop will use testimonies and historical perspective to make visible the violent dynamics by which capitalism has maintained its form of social organization by excluding and exploiting women’s bodies and territories of life.
13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Gallery of Contemporary Art
Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 9-11
04107 Leipzig
Unfortunately, the live action role play has to be cancelled due to the new Corona Ordinance.
– a live action role playing game –
The players draw character cards that define their age, occupation, and life status in the near future of a ReUnion society. The players fill in the details of the characters with their own identities and experiences, and form mutual aid relationships with other characters while a series of personal and social events take place. In a four- to five-hour play session, the players experience a 20- to 30-year life together, reflecting on themselves and relationships with others as they collectively rehearse the economic and social system designed by the ReUnion Network (2017-present).
Liquid Dependencies is a collaborative project created as part of the 13th Shanghai Biennale in collaboration with Dinghaiqiao Mutual-aid Society in Shanghai, China. For GfZK, ReUnion initiator Yin Aiwen and the Leipzig-based artist collective Elli Kuruş have developed a localized version of the game. ReUnion aims to become a translocal community practice that uses the game as a catalyst.
A project by ReUnion x Elli Kuruş presented as part of the INFORM Prize for Conceptual Design at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig.
Minimum number: 5 players, maximum number: 10 players.
All cultural events will take place analogue in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.