Together. Just. Global.
Caring, learning and acting in postmigrant alliances
From 01/2021 to 12/2022
In an alliance of diverse actors from Saxony and Berlin, we create meeting spaces. We bring perspectives and needs of people in contact to make Global Learning more critical and diverse and to get closer to the goal of a post-migrant society. The project is based on the so-called „Reallabor-Design“.
In Global Learning and debates around a „good life for anybody“ many people do not participate. They are often even excluded, e.g. because they do not feel addressed, because their opinion does not seem relevant or because they do not get access to discourses. Other people, on the other hand, have no hope and turn away because the issues seem too complex. These exclusions are unfair, narrow debates, and produce „solutions“ that don’t fit for many people. So power relations operate in this field as well, and there are deficits in representation here as in society as a whole.
We want to change that.
In our cooperation project, we will link different topics and thereby network perspectives of a wide range of actors. The following questions form the thematic focus:
How are racism and climate change related? What does the crisis of care work in Germany have to do with global inequality? What are the references to colonial continuities on the one hand and to debates about a postmigrant society here on the other? To what extent is it important to consider these aspects in Global Learning?
In the project, it is particularly important to us that people and perspectives meet, which otherwise still do so too rarely. We are concerned with the empowerment of people and their needs. But we are also concerned with enriching the debate about global learning and socio-ecological transformation with perspectives. Finally, it is important for us to put these issues in relation to the Corona pandemic. This in many ways exacerbates the negative effects of the above social phenomena.
The structure of the project is oriented tolearning in real laboratories. This means that civil society and scientific actors cooperate to define a societal problem and to develop a solution contribution, try it out, observe it critically, adapt it and apply it again if necessary.
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(Forschungszentrum Entwicklungskommunikation- Communication for Social Change (EC4SC)