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Online Conference | November 26-28, 2021
Care for Global Justice.
In times of covid-19 crisis.
With live cultural program in Leipzig
information about the conference
Access/How to get to my event
All workshops take place as digital events via the software „Zoom“. In advance, we have sent participants and speakers access to the events by mail. If you can’t find your access, please contact the info point. If you have technical problems, please contact the technical support.
The term „awareness“ comes from the English „to be aware“ and means (in a broader sense) „to be aware, to be informed, to be sensitized to certain problems“. What is meant in general is a mindful and respectful interaction with each other. At the conference, people with a wide variety of social positions, experiences and opinions meet. We are happy about this diversity and this common learning space.
At the same time, we live in a society that is unfortunately characterized by unequal power relations. People are advantaged (privileged) and disadvantaged (discriminated) based on certain characteristics – whether exercised intentionally or unconsciously.
Awareness is a concept that opposes all forms of discrimination, violence and boundary violations. Violating and border-crossing behavior, such as sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or comparable assaults, will not be tolerated. Those affected are strengthened in the sense of empowerment and actively supported in developing their own strategies for dealing with discrimination.
→ To the awareness concept
At the congress you will find the Awareness-Team, which stands by affected persons when it comes to a case of discrimination / border crossing. You can find more information about the awareness concept here.
You can also reach us at+491776887231 and by → Mail.
You want to support the Awareness-Team? Sign in → here for a shift.
There are chat rooms in Zoom as well as during the Youtube streams. Please use them during events for questions and short comments according to the requests of the speakers / moderators. Express your agreement with plus sign + and disagreement with minus sign -. Report with asterisk *. Please report to your room attendant if you have any problems using it during an event.
+ approval
– Disapproval
* Message
? Question
See: → Parent Support
Collective assumption of responsibility
Together with all participants of the congress we want to openly address discrimination and border crossings and counter such behavior. There is a sensitized awareness team at the congress. In order to get closer to our goal of a liberated society, it is necessary that each individual takes responsibility. Only in the common confrontation with power relations can we counteract them, change them and dismantle them. That means: Awareness concerns us all!
Cultural program
There will be a public cultural program, which will mainly take place in the KUB Gallery in Leipzig.
The following events are part of the cultural program:
Women and Fiction: Care Affair, Nov. 26, 8:30 p.m.; Gallery KUB (no registration required).
FLINTA* – Café – Lecture – Talk – Exhibition, Nov. 27, 3-6 p.m.; Galerie KUB (no registration required)
Liquid Dependencies: what does a decentralized caring society look like?, Live Action Role Play, Nov. 28, 1-6 p.m., Contemporary Art Gallery “Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst”.
All cultural events take place in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.
Data protection
For the realization of the congress we need to store and process your data. According to the Data Protection Ordinance, this requires your consent, which we asked for when you registered. Your individualized data will not be used commercially or passed on to third parties. You can revoke your consent to the collection and use of your data at any time by sending an → email. More information can be found in the → privacy policy.
See → participation fee
FLINTA* refers to women (this usually means specifically cis hetero women), lesbians, inter-, non-binary, trans and agender persons, and thus includes all those who are patriarchally discriminated on the basis of their gender identity. The term not only emphasizes the social component of gender, but also manages to unite different perspectives and to make political struggles visible.
hygiene measures
All analogue events will take place in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.
The Infopunkt is the first point of contact: Here you can find information about the conference program, shift schedules to all aspects of the conference that are not related to technology.
The Infopoint can be reached by phone during the conference at +491774121297
as well as at:
Meeting ID: 934 842 6645
Prior to the conference, the following email address will act as the info point:
The Infopoint will be staffed during the conference at the following times:
Friday, 4-8 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
The conference will take place at the following locations:
Gallery KUB, Kantstraße 18, 04275 Leipzig, Germany
Gallery for Contemporary Art, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 9-11, 04107 Leipzig
All analogue events take place in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or recovery will be checked at the entrance.
Media library
In our media library you will find preparation material and documentations for some events. If you (especially speakers) would like to upload material to the media library, you can create a folder for your events. You can find the media library → here.
parent support
Care for the youngest
To enable you to participate in the conference in a relaxed way, we are setting up with the “Care collective Leipzig BeKo” a room for child care at the office of Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie e.V. (Klingenstr. 22). All children of speakers, participants and people from the organizational team are welcome.
Childcare times:
Friday 26.11, 17:00 to 20:00
Saturday 27.11, 9:30 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 18:30
Sunday 9:30 to 14:00
Please register in advance → via Mail with the following information: Name of parent/reference person, age of children, special needs, hours of care to:
There are also a limited number of workstations on site for parents who wish to participate in the online events. Please also register your needs by e-mail.
Here you can find more information about → the childcare collective Leipzig (BeKo)
The conference is based on self-organization. In order for this to work well, the active participation of everyone is necessary. Tasks range from food distribution, awareness, child care to Zoom room assistance. No prior knowledge is needed for most tasks. We would like to see care work in particular distributed in a gender-balanced manner.
You can sign up for one or more shifts for your selected task in the shift schedules below. Please be on time for the start of your shift at the respective meeting point.
→ Helpers shift plan Zoom room assistance
→ Helpers shift plan awareness
Thank you for your support!
Participation fee/donations
The conference is financially supported by a number of political foundations, governmental agencies as well as church and other organizations.
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
Nevertheless, we also rely on donations. The main costs of the conference are personnel costs and professional fees.
Whoever would like to donate to our project is cordially invited to do so! Gladly with reference to the conference or the project „Together, just, global“. Please send possible donations to → Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie.
Our world today and all areas of society are significantly shaped by unequal power relations. These are constantly and everywhere at institutional (e.g. laws, labor market), interpersonal (e.g. exclusion, sexual harassment) and ideological level (e.g. norms, values, culture). They lead to preferential treatment (privileging) and disadvantages (discrimination) of people. There are people whose particular privileges (e.g., white/male/heterosexual/rich) put them in a more powerful position relative to less privileged people. While having privilege does not necessarily mean actively engaging in discriminatory behavior. However, they can contribute to putting others at a disadvantage. Often, we are not even aware of our privileges, which makes it difficult to interact with each other in a way that is sensitive to discrimination. Therefore, we invite you to reflect on your privileges → Awareness
When you enter the room, we ask you to write your pronoun next to your name. That way, everyone knows how you want to be addressed. Address people by the pronoun they have chosen in each case.
Selma [he/his]
This is Selma. His name is Selma. Selma is his name.
Ana [ana/no pronoun].
This is Ana. Ana is called Ana. Ana is Ana’s name.
Other examples of pronouns can be: she/her, they/them, mensch, and many more.
You can register for the congress → here.
Participants and speakers should register. Participation in the podium and keynote speech is also possible via public streams.
Sound, image and video recordings
Sensitive handling of video, photography and sound recordings is important to us for a trusting atmosphere at the conference. There are different reasons why people do not want to be filmed or photographed. We would like to respect this as much as possible. In concrete terms, this means that if you want to take photographs in situations involving fewer than 20 people, e.g. in workshops, in small groups, the recognizable people must be asked for permission beforehand.
The same applies to sound and image recordings in digital formats. In the case of large-scale recordings in situations with more than 20 people, as well as public events in the context of the conference, images may also be recorded without being asked. In digital space, unprompted recordings may only be made if a person’s image and name are not identifiable at the same time.
Screenshots: Showing yourself quasi „publicly“ to unknown people in the digital space via video requires a certain level of trust. This trust is important to make our worshops a safe place to be for everyone involved. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you take screenshots (even if they are only for private use) of the digital workshops only after explicit announcement, in consultation with the instructors and after approval of all participants!
Online communication is especially challenging because facial expressions and gestures of the other person are not visible at all or only to a limited extent.
We ask you:
• Be careful not to communicate in a way that belittles, insults, or discriminates against other people.
• If people point out to you that your (speech) behavior is discriminatory, see it as an opportunity to understand power relations and to emancipate yourself from them.
• Observe what parts of speech you have in discussions. Pay attention by speaking shorter and more pointedly so that everyone can feel included. Remember that everything you share requires everyone’s focus and attention.
• Be careful in your speeches to use things you might take for granted, such as names, terms, and abbreviations.
See → sound, image and video recordings
To participate in the congress you need a digital device. Ideally a computer with camera – small screens can be confusing to use. Please check your technical equipment before the event: Are microphone, loudspeaker and camera working? Mute your microphone during the event when you are not speaking. Set your camera to low quality only, so that little bandwidth is used and the end devices of the other congress participants are not overloaded. As an alternative, you can dial into the respective room via telephone (→ telephone dial-in).
It is helpful if you have a good microphone/headset available.
Technical support
If you have any technical problems or questions, you can contact the technical support team at +4916099515908 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 934 842 6645
In most events there are also room companions who you can contact/ write to for specific questions in an event.
Telephone dial-in
If your internet connection is not sufficient to participate in events, you can also dial-in to our workshops by phone, although no video or interpretation is possible for you/by you. For this you will need a phone number and the access data for your event. Phone dial-in to Zoom rooms works via the following number (landline number): 00496950502596, then just have Zoom ID ready and follow announcements.
We use the video conference software Zoom for the conference. The main reason for this is the interpreting function that the software offers. We have chosen Zoom for accessibility reasons. Zoom itself offers a variety of → tutorials on how to use it.
Zoom room companion
Workshops in the digital space present special challenges for everyone involved. We want to ensure that instructors can focus on their workshops and participants, and participants can participate well in workshops. Zoom room guides are designed to contribute to this. On the one hand, it is about being available for technical questions of participants in a workshop or panel and helping them to solve them. On the other hand, they also assist the instructors with very practical things. This includes: opening workshop rooms, managing breakout rooms (opening, assigning people, closing in case of doubt), being the link to the Awareness AG.
Would you like to take on a shift as a room attendant yourself? See point „Helpers“ or directly → here.
Sponsored by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with funds from

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